Glyn Edwards - Merging with Spirit Consciousness (2005) - Download
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This second recording of "Sitting in the Power" was recorded in 2005, as one continuous practice lasting 49 minutes. Glyn leads you through this exercise for mediumistic, spiritual and psychic unfoldment. It was originally given through the trance medium Mark Webb, by his spirit control James. James asked me to teach the exercise and experiment with it.
He prophesied that the results of the practice would be remarkable in the way that it helps people to expand their awareness and recognize their relationship with the Divine and the spirit world, including their individual spirit and its influence. Indeed, it has proved to be one of the most beneficial exercises that I have used in development workshops. It now starts each day of many of my courses.
Track 1 - Welcome to Listening2Spirit (0:27)
Track 2 - Introduction to Sitting in the Power (5:00)
Track 3 - Sitting in the Power Meditation (49:24)
Track 4 - Thank you from Listening2Spirit (0:47)
Please be aware that this download was originally recorded in 2005 by Glyn after a period of illness and some of his speech is not as clear and distinct as on his previous recordings.
Listen to a sample below.
He prophesied that the results of the practice would be remarkable in the way that it helps people to expand their awareness and recognize their relationship with the Divine and the spirit world, including their individual spirit and its influence. Indeed, it has proved to be one of the most beneficial exercises that I have used in development workshops. It now starts each day of many of my courses.
Track 1 - Welcome to Listening2Spirit (0:27)
Track 2 - Introduction to Sitting in the Power (5:00)
Track 3 - Sitting in the Power Meditation (49:24)
Track 4 - Thank you from Listening2Spirit (0:47)
Please be aware that this download was originally recorded in 2005 by Glyn after a period of illness and some of his speech is not as clear and distinct as on his previous recordings.
Listen to a sample below.
Listen to a sample
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Windows and Android users can download normally.
Windows and Android users can download normally.